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Everlasting Bouquet- Baby's Breath

Everlasting Bouquet- Baby's Breath


Preserved baby's breath flower in pink/white color. Beautifully wrapped in style and tied with ribbon. Keep them in their wrap or can be released if desired to fall loose in the vase or  you can display around the house



Flower Care: 


  • Do NOT water 
  • Keep them looking their best by placing them out of direct sunlight and humidity  
  • Dried flowers are delicate but if handled gently, it can be enjoyed for a very long time.



    About Us

    Tales De Fleur specialises in Everlasting Dried Flowers, Faux Flowers and Preserved Flowers creations.


    Our aspiration is to enhance the longevity of gift-giving and elevate home decor with luxurious, artistic floral arrangements that offer enduring beauty year-round, perfect for dream home makeovers and memorable housewarming gifts

    Visit our store for a wide range of dried flowers arrangement and faux flowers arrangement, or order online.


    We offer flower delivery in Adelaide, including weekend. Interstate shipping available for Faux flower arrangement.

    Opening Hour

    Mon :  2.00 pm  - 5.00pm
    Tues : 11.00am  -  5.30pm
    Wed : 10.00 am -  5.30pm
    Thur : 10.00 am -  5.30pm
    Fri    : 11:00 am -  5.30pm
    Sat   : 10.00 am -  5.30pm
    Sun: : 11.00 am -  3.00pm

    Social Media

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    Visit Our Shop

    Tales De Fleur

    Shop 2, 100 King William Road

    Goodwood, SA 5034, Australia.

    (08) 7006 3845

    Tales De Fleur ©2023

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